There's a reason why she's "Bad Sister"...

And its' because she's a BAD influence. Tonight Father Angus is at the controls, but it's Bad Sister who has directed him to drive the bus over the cliff....and it's totally her weed, Mom. Honest. This always happens when Reverend Velveteen goes on a junket.

Electric Wizard
- Black Magic Rituals and Perversion - Witch Cult Today
The Hidden Hand - The Lesson - The Resurrection of Whisky Foote
The Bevis Frond - Window Eye - Inner Marshland
Alien Sex Fiend - Now I'm Feeling Zombified - Curse

King Crimson
- Red - Red
Janes Addiction - Had A Dad - Nothing's Shocking
Sleater Kinney - Entertain - The Woods
X - Devil Doll - More Fun In The New World
Black Mountain - Wucan - In The Future

Hawkwind - 10 Seconds of Forever/Brainstorm - Space Ritual (Q)

Rotary Connection - Pink Noise/Lady Jane - S/T
Ween - Israel - Shinola
Pink Floyd - Mudmen - Obscured By Clouds (Q)
Jackie O Motherfucker - Hey Mr. Sky - Comets, Ghosts & Sunburned Hands

Subgenius - HOS #1140

* = New release
(R) = Request
(Q) = Question, comment, or concern from the listening public
(VA) = Various artists compilation

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