Springlike Slacksheet, updated 3/17/2010

PSYCHOACOUSTICS SlackSheet of Fine Rock, Performances, Arts Events & Things That Fit

These are selected listings we deem of interest to our listeners & readers. If you want a mention, please submit

events or flyers as comments on this posting. SCROLL DOWN for future events & out of town listings!

And check out our playlists and much more at psychoacoustics.blogspot.com.


March 2010 “Love Blue Pill Nice Pharmacy!” [spam quote of the week]

FOR WORT IT’S WORTH Pledge Drive NOW OFFERING “Pledges for Concerts” @ wort-fm.org

Please support Community Radio, cuz otherwise Psychoacoustics & SlackSheet would not exist!

Now through Thurs. March 18, First Round voting for the 2010 Madison Area Music Awards is now open at

Now thru Sat. 3-20, 11am-4pm daily: Art Industry presents "Cache," an exhibition of Madison artists. 634 W.Main St. [Delta Properties warehouse.] Info: artindustry.org; 358-2838

TONIGHT -- You can celebrate St. Paddy's Day, whether Irish or not!

Wed 3/17 7 PM High Noon Saloon presents Whiskey Lash All-Stars & The Pints (CD Release Party) $6/21+

wed 3/17 St Pats Day w/music by The Currach, 7 pm - Food and drink specials all day. Harmony Bar

3-17 8pm DUB PUB: St. Paddy’s Day Party with dubstep DJs teaming up: MAX OHM, JEREMY THOMAS, MIKEY D & MOPETTO. 21+ / NO Cover ONE DOLLAR PINTS 8-11pm. Cardinal Bar, downtown.

3-18 7:30-10:30pm Surrounded by Reality presents Volcano Insurance & Storyshare w/Luke Polipnick & Patrick Breiner. Project Lodge, $5, all ages. …Creating new jazz standards for disillusioned assholes.

3-18 8-11pm Psychoacoustics Radio features new & unusual music, featuring many women this week in honor of Women's "Herstory" Month. Expect to hear new stuff from great "Women on Top" such as: Yoko Ono, Sarah Silverman, Holly GoLightly, White Stripes, Dum Dum Girls, Angelique Kidjo, Joan Jett & so much more!

3-18 8pm Starlight Cinema: FAIR USE TRIO, MU Play Circle, free [NY live audio-visual remix/improvisations]

Thu 3-18 10 pm THE HUSSY Two piece art punK. fuck yeah! + TBA. The Wisco, $3, 21+

3-18 10pm THE DRAIN AT THE DANE w/The Dick Shade Project, Great Dane Rathskeller, 21+, free

3-18 10:30pm LEGALIZE IT: DJ Tolerance (Touch + Go) Record Jammer Slayron (Peaking Lights) Mickey’s

3/19-20 Afghanistan-Pakistan Teach-In: Make Jobs Not War! Madison Area Peace Coalition/UW Memorial Union (see TITU for rooms, times) Sat @ Noon, march from Library Mall to the Capitol, speak-out at 12:30 pm.

3-19 10pm Pretty Things Peepshow, burlesque & sideshow acts. Frequency, 21+ prettythingsproductions.com

Fri March 19 10:30pm Optometri w/ Yid Vicious Mickey’s, 21+ no cover Sa Da! To Russian Rock

Sat 3-20 10-Noon SWAP at the SHOP, Revolution Cycles. Come early for best selection, $3 donation at the door benefits Wheels for Winners, 15% off ALL IN-STOCK INVENTORY - INCLUDING BIKES (excluding labor)

Sat 3/20/2010 8:00 PM The Gomers at Blessed Sacrament Auction, 2116 Hollister Avenue, Madison WI Gomers & Gomeroke are set to rock the 2010 Blessed Sacrament Auction once again - last year was a hoot!

3/20 10pm SCOUT NIBLETT, CATALOG BABIES, El-Tin Fun The Frequency, 21+

3/ 20 9:30pm LESLIE & THE LY'S + Christopher The Conquered, High Noon, $10 /$12 dos, 18+

3-20 10:30p Midwest Beat w/ The Perennials (Indianapolis http://www.myspace.com/alrightperennials) Mickey’s

Sun 3- 21 1-6 pm Louder Guitars & More Lemon Bars: A Benefit for Shawn & Jack with music by The Suit, Knuckel Drager, The Arge, The Apologists High Noon Saloon $6 plus baked goods & cozies for sale.

3-21 7pm Koffin Kats + The Brains + Atrocities + Pistofficer Miramar Theatre, 2844 N Oakland, Mke. All Ages

3-22 & 23, 7pm Bread & Puppet presents theater & a live band for 2 shows: 3/22 Dirt Cheap Money Cabaret at James Reeb Unitarian, & 3/23 Dirt Cheap Money Circus at East High School. kinbote@charter.net or 241-0254.

3/22 8pm Stings & THings @The FAUX-OP 259-9795, 1151 E Johnson St. A night of intimate improvisational & composed music at the FAUX-op

Dr Responsible – Illinois [Deep cyclical, electrified wonderings] Rob Jacobs - Carbondale, Illinois [Cut-up, complicated, acoustic guitar]The Weather Duo - Madison,WI [Electroacoustic Improvisatory Chamber Music] Consolidated Quadraphrenic! - Madison, WI [A DOUBLE BASS string QUARTET for your pleasure, playing Schuller, Hartmann & Turetzky, plus transcriptions of Satie, Schoenberg, and some improvisations.]

3/24 8pm Starlight Cinema presents: Nao Bustamante’s ‘Silver & Gold’ [NY performance/video artist inspired by filmmaker Jack Smith, plus a screening of his 16mm film “I Was A Male Yvonne DeCarlo” MU Play Circle, free


Thursday, March 25th, 9:00pm The Antiprism with Systemic Torment & Romero at The Inferno Heavy rock!

Friday, March 26th | 7:30pm These Are Powers w/ Fun Cartel, Trin Tran Project Lodge $8 all ages BYO

3-26 5pm Orphan Bloom, Subvocal [7pm], Thistle & the Thorns + the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army & a raffle. High Noon. Benefit for mass bike ride to Detroit–info at http://www.grassroutescaravan.org

3/27/2010 10pm El Valiente, Flight, The American Dead (rock) Crystal Corner Bar, 21+

3/27 10:30pm The Honey Slides w/ The Candeliers, Ian Olvera & the Sleepwalkers Mickey’s, 21+, no cover

Tue 3-30, 6pm (sharp) B'dum B'dum (Buzzcocks Tribute) open for Hum Machine. High Noon, 21+ $5

Weekly Events:

Peace Vigil Weekly @ 12:00pm Mondays, U.S. Post Office, Madison Municipal Building. 846-7924

Mon 7pm Madison Infoshop (1019 Willy St) Muffin Club - Womens' Health Discussion Group. Current topic: “Birth.” Open to all women, trans, and inter-sex folks. astridh@fastmail.fm or boysenberrie31@yahoo.com

Mad Toast Live with Chris Wagoner & Mary Gaines, Brink Lounge every Tuesday @ 8:00pm


Madison Comedy Collective Open Mike at the Comedy Club every week on Wednesdays @ 8:30pm

Open Mike with Harlan Jefferson & SoSo Tight, R Place on Park Wednesdays @ 9 pm [soul]

Open Mike every Sunday, 9 pm, Mickey’s Tavern. 21+, no cover.

April, May & beyond

Fri 4/2 9:30pm THE BLACK LIPS, Box Elders and The Hussy High Noon Saloon $12 adv $14 dos 18+

Fri April 2 10:30pm KARAOKE UNDERGROUND from Austin, TX Mickey’s, 21+, no cover

Just Announced! 4/3 9:30pm SOLID GOLD w/ tba Annex $10 18+ http://www.myspace.com/solidgold


Sat April 3 10:30pm KA-BOOM!BOX DJ Explosion, Mickey’s, 21+, no cover

Monday, April 5th Wife with Jucifer and Romero at the High Noon Saloon.

Wed 4/7 7pm show BITCH with Of The State High Noon Saloon, $15. Room Of One’s Own 35th Anniversary

4-8 10pm subvocal These shows will be the full 6 piece electrified version of subvocal (a rare treat). Alchemy

4/9 8pm HENRY ROLLINS ‘FREQUENT FLYER TOUR’ spoken word, Barrymore, all ages

4/9 Mission of Burma!!! With Turbo Fruits, Surfer Blood!!! at HIGH NOON SALOON 21+

4-10 The Frequency, 6pm: Sunshine for the Blind and subvocal

4/10 7pm Bellydancing UW 10th Annual Spring Show, Wisc. Union Theater, $7 bellydancinguw.rso.wisc.edu

Sat 4-10, 10pm BUTT FUNNEL w/ The Projection People, Perverse Engineer, Black Jack Red Queen · Frequency

April 10 10:30pm Icarus Himself w/Secondary Modern Mickey’s, 21+, no cover

Tue April 13th 9:30pm Zebras, Manic Zamboni, Czarbles The Frequency $5

Wed April 14 10:30pm Tani Diakite & His Desert Trance Infusion Mickey’s, 21+, no cover African delights!

Thu 4-15 10:30pm Legalize It!: DJs Record Jammer Slayron & DJ Tolerance Mickey’s, 21+, no cover

Fri April 16 10:30pm The Midwest Beat w/JM Airis + Trent Fox & The Tenants Mickey’s, 21+, no cover

4/16 9PM CLOUD CULT, Majestic

Sat 4-17, 6pm FREQY HOUR featuring PISTOLS AT DOWN w/ The Bad Boots · Frequency Surf & retro rockin’!

Sat 4/17/2010 10pm Blueheels and JT and the Clouds (Madison/Chicago rock) Crystal Corner Bar, 21+

4-17 10:30pm Julia Zeimer's Birthday w/ Antiprism, The Arge + Black Lollipops Mickey’s, 21+, no cover

Just Announced! 4/21 9:30pm MONOTONIX, The Hussy Frequency $12 adv. @ trueendeavors.com 21+

They asked to play a smaller venue… Tickets available online, will sell out fast!

Thu 4/22, 9pm, Captured! By Robots w/ The Killer Dolphin with Rabies (Robot Band) Annex, 21+

Thu 4-22 10pm THE DRAIN AT THE DANE w/The No & Maybe Game, Great Dane Rathskeller, 21+, free

Sat 4/24/2010 10pm Pistols at Dawn, Madtown Vipers, TBA (Madison surf/punk) Crystal Corner Bar, 21+


4/28 9pm YEASAYER with Sleigh Bells – Majestic Theatre

4/29 10pm DEADBOLT w/ Knuckel Drager, Lollipop Factory · Frequency Mad voodoo rockabilly surf jammin’!!

Just Announced!

Public Image Limited (PiL) w/John Lydon, Fri 4-30, 8 pm, Pabst Theater, Milwaukee

4-30 10 PM MR GNOME w/ Perverse Engineer, Underculture, Kentucky Beltfight Frequency, 21+ $6

May, June & beyond…

Just Announced! Mon. May 10 8:00 PM High Noon Saloon presents Red Elvises / $15 cover / 21+

Thu 5-13 10pm THE DRAIN AT THE DANE w/The Sesters, Great Dane Rathskeller, 21+, free

Tuesday, May 18th, 6:30pm MASTODON (genre: Metal) at Orpheum Theatre

Thu May 20, 9pm MONO, Twilight Sad High Noon Saloon 18+ Gorgeous co-ed Japanese noise!

Sat. May 22 10:00 PM High Noon Saloon presents Youngblood Brass Band, El Valiente $8 cover / 18 and up

Sat 6/26 10pm An Evening with MELVINS --2 Sets—w/Totimoshi opening. High Noon Saloon $17/$19, 21+
http://www.melvins.com/ http://www.myspace.com/themelvins

Just Announced! The New Pornographers/The Dodos: Aug 4 @ the Orpheum

Regional/out of town shows:

3/19 GIL MANTERA’S PARTY DREAM, BRILLIANT PEBBLES Empty Bottle, Chi  emptybottle.com
3/27 THE CAVE SINGERS, Empty Bottle   emptybottle.com

04.01• STRANGE BOYS !!!!!! Cactus Club (Milwaukee, WI)

4/15/10 – 7:30 pm AC/DC Bradley Center / Milwaukee, WI $50 / $91.50

May 28-31 SHIBARICON, in Chicago. [shibaricon.com for info]

June 3-6 WAKARUSA Mulberry Mountain, Ozark, Arkansas

June 10-13 BONNAROO Manchester, TN

AUGUST 26-28, Rockin '50's Fest in Green Bay: Wanda Jackson, Scotty Moore [Elvis' band], more TBA

tix and info: oneidabingoandcasino.net

SEPTEMBER 23rd - 26, 2010 GONERFEST 7 Memphis, TN

September 25-26, WILLY ST. FAIR, Madison, WI

Ongoing events:

Show your work at the Good Style Shop. Submit proposals to Aaron and Indra for art openings the first weekend of each month. Dates available: 5/1, 6/5, 7/3, 8/7, 9/4, 10/2, 11/6, 12/4. 402 E Washington Ave, 608-441-1323

For anyone who has been considering giving stand up comedy a shot: open mic at The Comedy Club on State Wednesdays at 8:30pm (signups 7:30) & The Pub Tuesdays at 8:30.

Chocolate: The Bitter and the Sweet Exhibit, 1/4-3/21, Olbrich Gardens' Bolz Conservatory ($1 admission). Also: "Theobroma Cacao: Food of the Gods" talk 6:30 pm, 1/30 (#15; RSVP by 1/21). "Chocolate Country" documentary screening 6:30 pm, 2/6 ($11; RSVP by 1/28). www.olbrich.org or 246-4550

Call for Artists: Starlight Cinema, UW-Madison's avant-garde film, video & performance art series now accepting submissions for upcoming event showcasing Wisconsin media artists. Starlight seeks short works of experimental film/video art & multimedia performance proposals. Film & video submissions should be 1-15 min; performance proposals must include work samples. Submission deadline: April 9. Event: April 22 at the UW Play Circle Theater. Submissions: WUD Film c/o Starlight Cinema, 507 Memorial Union, 800 Langdon Street. Madison, WI. 53706 Questions? Contact Reo Fordecor, manicexec@hotmail.com

John Cage, Merce Cunningham exhibit, "Chance, Time, & Concept in the Visual Arts.” Daily until 05/09/10 Madison Museum of Contemporary Art

Faces in the Sand Stories of Iraq/Afghanistan soldiers, through 7/31, Wisconsin Veterans Museum. 267-1799

Odd Wisconsin Exhibit of curious & authentic state artifacts thru 10/2, Wisconsin Historical Museum. 264-6555

Vegan Pancake Feed 2nd Sunday morning of every month at the Wilmar. 8:30 - 11am. Benefit for Madison Hours local currency system. Pancakes, oven roasted potatoes, coffee, oj., friends, etc..

All ages, underground venues in Madison:

- Get Bent Press on 1814 S. Park

- Gnarlyhaus 2637 E. Johnson [2637] 608-669-8908

- Good Style Shop 402 E. Washington Ave

- Kiki’s House of Righteous Music, 1326 MacArthur Rd. Madison WI 53714

- The Nottingham Co-op, Iota Court at Langdon St.

- Project Lodge, 817 East Johnson Street

- Revolution Cycles on Atwood

- The Snake Pit [15 N. Franklin St]

- Subvert City [ 817 Dane St, 53713 off S. Park and Taylor St. at Drake Ave, just west of Vilas Ave.]

Not all ages, but has ‘underground’ shows: Wisco [Willy St] Glass Nickel [Atwood] Corral Room [downtown]

Don’t forget to check Memorial Union listings for free shows at the UW, Terry O’s Diaspora calendar, and


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