The countdown begins...

Valued listeners, it is my sad yet necessary duty to inform you that I, Father Angus, will be departing Madison for San Francisco at the end of the month, thus drawing to a close my tenure here on Psychoacoustics. I'm not gone yet, though, and you'll be hearing my favorites from over the, er, decades in the weeks to come.

Tonight's show is being conducted by all three of us, but I do not know where Rev. Velveteen and Bad Sister Heidi are...oh, wait! I spoke too soon. The Reverend is here and the Bad Sister is sure to follow.

Stereolab - Anonymous Collective - Emperor Tomato Ketchup
Crippled Black Phoenix - Burnt Reynolds - The Resurrectionists*
Spiritualized - Rock and Roll - Stop Your Crying EP
Hawkwind - We Took the Wrong Step Years Ago - In Search of Space
Rodriguez - This Is Not a Song, It's an Outburst: Or, The Establishment Blues - Cold Fact*

Nat King Cole w/The Brazilian Girls - El Choclo -
Re: Generations
Golem - Come to Me - Citizen Boris*
Quintron - Miniature Breakdown - Are You Ready for an Organ Solo?
Zebras - The Machine & Me You God - Parasitic Clones under the Strong Arm of the Robotic Machine*

New Disk @ Nine
Dan Deacon - tracks 3, 8, 10 - Bromst*

King Khan & the Shrines - 69 Faces of Love - What Is It?*
Dan Auerbach - Mean Monsoon - Keep It Hid*
Serpentina Satellite - Madripoor - Nothing to Say*
Black Diamond Heavies - Nutbush City Limits - A Touch of Someone Else's Class
Eugene Mirman - Leaning in Chelsea, Born Gay, Gay Brother, Sneezing - En Garde Society!

Rye Rye featuring M.I.A. - Bang - single
Bluebeard - Sly Willy - Blow Your Mind (VA)
DJ Shadow - Organ Donor - Entroducing DJ Shadow
Captain Beefheart - I'm Gonna Booglarize You Baby - The Spotlight Kid

Subgenius - HOS #1197

*= New release
(R) = Request
(Q) = Question, comment, or concern from the listening public
(VA) = Various artists compilation

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